Maternity, Midwifery and Baby Conference
30 June 2017
Edgbaston Stadium
Birmingham, UK
We have a stand at the above conference on Friday 30 June and will be talking to midwives who are the front line when it comes to recognising signs that may indicate an #FNAIT baby at birth.
We will be showing photos of petechiae, ecchymosis, intracranial hemorrhage MRI and ultrasound scans, hydrocephalus and sun-setting eyes.
Very many thanks to our Support Forum members for supplying these!
Link to the event here
The conference was very well attended. So surprised that not one of the many midwives or the trainee neonatologist who visited our stand knew anything about #FNAIT or the signs to look for at birth!!
Everyone that we spoke to took leaflets and were concerned and interested.
The venue at The Oval cricket ground was excellent and we would like to thank all at Maternity, Midwifery and Baby for this opportunity to spread awareness.