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2019 AJOG. M281, an anti-FcRn antibody, inhibits IgG transfer in ahuman ex vivo placental perfusion model.
2019 American Journal of obstetrics. AJOG. Important study regarding M281, a monoclonal anti-FcRn antibody. If the study eventually shows blocking of FcRn with Nipocalimab is a […]June 1 2020. FNAIT progress update – FcRn blocker Nipocalimab – Dr James B Bussel MD, New York.
1 June 2020. FNAIT progess update from: James B Bussel, MD. Pediatric Hematology & Oncology New York, NY Dear Members of NAITBABIES and the community interested […]Latest news from Rallybio. 19 May 2020. Rallybio announce their Lead Product Candidate RLYB211, a plasma-derived hyperimmune globulin in development for the prevention of FNAIT.
Rallybio have announced the following news regarding financing, development and it’s Lead Product Candidate, RLY211. RLYB211 is a plasma-derived hyperimmune globulin in development for the prevention […]Due to the pandemic coronavirus – COVID-19 Naitbabies have postponed future exhibitions and conferences until further notice.
Due to the pandemic coronavirus – COVID-19 Naitbabies have postponed future exhibitions and conferences until further notice. We are working from home and our online Parents […]11 February 2020. All set up for the first ever ”All Ireland” Maternity and Midwifery Festival, Dublin!!
We ‘re excited to be exhibiting at The first All Ireland Maternity and Midwifery Festival Croke Park, Dublin February 11 2020READ THE LATEST EXCITING NEWS RELEASE ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF NAITgam!!!!!!
READ THE LATEST EXCITING NEWS NEWS RELEASE REGARDING THE DEVELOPMENT OF NAITgam!!!!!! Statement release from Soren Weis Dahl CEO, #Prophylix AS regarding the current status of […]New FNAIT international evidence based guidelines developed by the ICTMG, published 3 March 2019
Published 3 March 2019 New FNAIT international evidence based guidelines developed by the ICTMG ICTMG – International Collaboration for Transfusion Medicine Guidelines. Established in 2011. […]Rare Disease Day 2019 read #FNAIT mum Jackie Derrett’s story ”How NAIT changed our lives’!!’
Read Jackie Derrett’s story in the Guardian national newspaper ‘How NAIT changed our lives‘ after her daughter suffered a huge bleed in her brain […]November 2018 H&I NHSBT laboratory visit – Filton, Bristol, UK
On Wednesday 21 November 2018 Thea, Stacy and Andrea, along with Nait baby Senen 10, were invited to visit the NHSBT Histocompatibilty & Immunogenetics […]