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View and subscribe to future newshots here!Melitta Marshall-Smith’s article in the Stratford News – New Zealand
Disease is easier to bear with Nait! Nait bear has been visiting central north island, Stratford, New Zealand with little Hayley Ryan and her parents Melitta […]Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center – Houston, Texas
NAIT bear at a platelet donation for a NAIT baby still inside mommy!! From one mom to another: Sarah Flukinger, right, donated platelets for Patricia Adler’s […]Kellie Burville, Callum Campbell and Logan’s article in the Daily Mail, UK
Baby baptised at birth after life-threatening brain bleed defies odds to make full recovery Logan’s parents refused to have a termination despite their daughter having a […]Naitbabies on Sounding board for Prophylix Pharma AS
Interview with Dr Jens Kjeldsen-Kragh MD PhD (Story by Becky Robinson) We are excited to announce that Naitbabies have been asked to join the Sounding […]Jennifer Henshall’s article/video on
Health Check: Life-threatening condition affects newborns The Henshall Family Deep Thought Thursdays -Jenn’s Blog Original Article Jennifer Henshall and her sister Christine Laliberte have a lot […]Nia Llwyd Lewis’s article in the Welsh language magazine Golwg
Nia Lewis, Aled, Sion and Elain. Link to original article.pdf(In Welsh, English translation below) The hidden condition that kills in the womb According to a mum […]Marin MacCallum has a new article in PEI
Travelling teddy bear visits Vernon River ‘miracle’ toddler Link to original article By Jonathan Charlton When Lincoln Drake was just a few hours old […]Becky’s story featured on SWAN UK’s blog
SWAN UK is a project run by Genetic Alliance UK offering support and information to families of children with undiagnosed genetic conditions. Becky told the story […]