Title: M281, an Anti- FcRn Antibody: Pharmacodynamics, Pharmacokinetics, andSafety Across the Full Range of IgG Reduction
in a First-in- Human Study.
Leona E. Ling, Jan L. Hillson, Renger G. Tiessen, Tjerk Bosje, Mattheus Paulus van Iersel, Darrell J. Nix, Lynn Markowitz, Nicholas A. Cilfone, Jay Duffner, James B. Streisand, Anthony M. Manning and Santiago Arroyo.

Title: Platelet physiology and immunology: pathogenesis and treatment of classical and non-classical fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia
Zi Yan Chen1, Brigitta Elaine Oswald, Jade A. Sullivan, Fatima Zohra Dahmani, Yfke Pasman, Zhenze Liu, Pingguo Chen, Heyu Ni.
doi: 10.21037/aob.2019.12.04

Title: Prenatal Management of pregnancies at risk of FNAIT 2019.
Authors: Regan F, Lees CC, Jones B, Nicolaides KH, Wimalasundera RC, Mijovic A.
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.
BJOG 2019; https://doi.org/10.1111/1471-0528.15642

Title: Risk of HPA-1a–immunization in HPA-1a–negative women after giving birth to an HPA-1a–positive child
Authors: Jens Kjeldsen‐Kragh Klaus Juel Olsen

Title: HLA-DRB3*01:01 exhibits a dose-dependent impact on HPA-1a antibody levels in HPA-1a–immunized women | Blood Advances
Authors: Jens Kjeldsen-Kragh, Thomas L. Titze, Benedicte Alexandra Lie, John T. Vaage and Mette Kjær

Title: M281, an anti-FcRn antibody, inhibits IgG transfer in a human ex vivo placental perfusion model.
Authors: Roy S, Nanovskaya T, Patrikeeva S, Cochran E, Parge V, Guess J, Schaeck J, Choudhury A, Ahmed M, Ling LE.

Title: A cross cultural examination of the experiences of parents of children when being diagnosed with Foetal and Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia
Authors: CathySchofield   AndreaPalmer   CarolineKeech
Journal of Neonatal Nursing, Volume 25, Issue 3, June 2019, Pages 130-135

Title: Fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia: recommendations for evidence‐based practice, an international approach
Authors: Lani Lieberman, Andreas Greinacher, Michael F. Murphy, James Bussel, Tamam Bakchoul, Stacy Corke, Mette Kjaer, Jens Kjeldsen‐Kragh, Gerald Bertrand, Dick Oepkes, Jillian M. Baker, Heather Hume, Edwin Massey, Cécile Kaplan, Donald M. Arnold, Shoma Baidya, Greg Ryan, Helen Savoia, Denise Landry, Nadine Shehata for the International Collaboration for Transfusion Medicine Guidelines (ICTMG)

Title: Timely diagnosis and treatment of neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia caused by anti HPA-3a antibody
Authors: Yang, Qiankun, MMa; Lv, Xianping, BMa; Kong, Yongkui, MSa; Liu, Xin, MDa; Shao, Ming, MDa; Zhao, Yanteng, PhDa; Xia, Namei, BMa; Wang, Shuya, PhDa; Li, Huidong, BMb,*
aDepartment of Blood Transfusion
bDepartment of Surgical Clinic, The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, Henan, China.
Correspondence: e-mail: huidong72@126.com