Nait visits Barngeong Reserve Kindergarten
July 3, 2012
Nait Bear travels to Mountain Home, Arkansas, USA
June 22, 2013Well, what a wonderful time the May family had with their international visitor Nait. Nait was able to explain to the girls how lucky they are to be here!!
Talleah our miracle baby girl born with a platelet count of 32. Now aged 3.5 years with a cheeky smile and attitude to boot. She has enjoyed Nait visiting and being able to show him to her kinder freinds. When she is older she will learn more about how her Mummy and Daddy never thought they would have the chance to take her home when she was born. Now look at her!!!
Allira aged 5 years. A gorgeous big sister to Talleah who luckily (as far as we know) never had any problems with her platelets at birth. However, she also has enjoyed Nait visiting and was very reluctant to send Nait on to Kate’s family, also touched by NAIT.
Sending Nait on his way to the Johnstone family in Ballarat
Nait has visited Croydon, Victoria, Austalia!! Bye for now, good bye and have fun on your travels Nait!! Allira and Talleah will miss you very much but the next family will also enjoy you too.